Friday, September 30, 2011

A/V + (으)ㄹ 게 뻔하다

A/V + (으)ㄹ 게 뻔하다 : Description Notes This is used for negative consequences. Conjugation Rule Conjugation Rule Pattern Case Example Rule 1: A/V + ㄹ 게 뻔하다 If there is no 받침 or if the adj/verb stem ends with a ㄹ 받침 실패할 게 뻔해 Rule 2: A/V + 을 게 뻔하다 If there is a 받침 at the end of the adj/verb stem Sentence Examples Korean English Notes 차라리 안하는게 나아. 실패할게 뻔해. I'd rather not try. I'm going to fail anyway. Low form A: "너 파티 왜 안가?" B: "재미없을게 뻔해서." A: "How come you don't go to the party?" B: "It's definitely not going to be fun at all." Low form 그러면서 안 할 게 뻔해. 안 봐도 비디오야. Add: ㄹ 뻔하다 almost[nearly] ; come near ; just barely escape . 뻔-하다 <보조동사>{여 불규칙활용}語尾‘-ㄹ·-을’に付いて:ひょっとしたら…するところだった。 【예】큰일날 뻔했다. 【訳】 ひょっとすれば大変な事になるところだった。 【예】하마터면 죽을 뻔했다. 【訳】 まかり間違えば死ぬところだった。

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